2018 Gold Award Winner for Silk, Replica, and Preserved

Mars Preserved Moss Wall

Our mission of bringing life into buildings is a greater challenge when the environment is too dark to support live plants, thus needs greenery even more. In the case of the newly renovated Mars Global Services Building, the facility management wanted a “living wall” without the expense of supplemental lighting, irrigation, and regular plant maintenance. Our design team created a pentaptych of panels featuring an abstract design of reindeer moss in forest green, beige, and chartreuse atop a bed of sheet moss.  This fully customized art piece relied on the collaborating team members to engineer the best method of construction.  Everyone involved used PPE to avoid fumes in the lungs or dust in the eyes.  Once constructed, the installation team took the botanic art piece to the client and carefully measured so the entire five-piece design was symmetrical, placed for the most impactful display.  The team used French cleat hangers with a level built in for the most efficient installation.

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